Reimagine Work

 5th October 2018, London

"For apart from inquiry, apart from the praxis, individuals cannot be truly human. Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other." — Paulo Freire


Reimagine Work is a one-day event dedicated to holding up a mirror to the corporate world—and to ourselves as citizens of that world. We do this through the exploration of all manner of organisational disturbances and disentangling, offered as interactive workshops, inspirational talks, dialogs, and even art experiences. Through our interactions we attempt to sow the seeds of change, to nurture ourselves, the soil, that a new way of being may organically grow to gently replace the existing status quo.

In terms more familiar to many of us, we seek to focus on people over processes, to build human relationships rather than human structure, to change the conversation from command/comply to request/response, and ultimately to replace monologue with dialogue.

Reimagine Work 2018 offers workshops and talks on Liberating Structures, Theory U, mindfulness, awareness, Anti-Fragility, Deep Democracy, Holarchy, Shades of Leadership, Enemy Love, and other ideas to to explore the possibilities of change in the corporate world—possibilities only limited by our imaginations.


The key requirements for participation are to arrive on time, to stay the full day, and to attend in the spirit of enquiry and curiosity, leaving your expectations and ego at the door. Of course, none of these requirements are enforceable, only suggested, so really, feel free to participate in whatever manner you like :)

The registration cost, at £150, is being kept as low as possible for this event, essentially to cover catering and out-of-pocket expenses for those offering sessions. The space itself is subsidised. All participants, whether planning to offer sessions or attend sessions (or both) are considered equal, and asked to pay the same basic registration fee.

On registration you will have the chance to donate more if you would like to. Towards the end of the day, we'll use a technique known as Liquid Distribution to collectively figure out how to redistribute any excess income among participants. The event itself is intended to break even.

Session Offers

"Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." — Isaiah, 43:18-19

At past events we've welcomed workshops on spiral dynamics, agility, clean language, improvisation, theatre of the oppressed, teal approaches, sociocracy, quakerism, silence, working with what is, sociodrama, empathy and other related topics. For this event we are particularly interested in further exploring faith in the workplace, and seeking to learn some of the quieter, less prescriptive, more organic ways of showing up in the corporate world. And, more importantly, open to whatever you'd like to suggest to make a way in the wilderness, water in the desert.

Update: The offer process is now closed. The full program is now finalised, live and can be seen here: Reimagine Work.


The event will take place on Friday 5th October 2018, from 9 am to 5 pm, at The Foundry in Vauxhall, London. Tickets are £150.

The entrance price includes breakfast and lunch. Arrive at 8.30 am for breakfast. This is potentially a loss-making venture, or to reframe that, a gift of companionship :) Still if you'd like to contribute above the entrance fee it would of course be appreciated.

Hashtag: #RW5Oct

Responses to Reimagine Work #2

"This event was really nourishing to me, both in terms of the fresh information shared and the participants' open-mindedness." — Gero Seifert

"I came away energised and inspired and excited to follow up on conversations with new found connections." — Deborah Kempson-Wren

"I fell in love with my work again, inspired by unity and togetherness." — Christopher Brown

See more participant responses here, see the twitterstream for Reimagine Work #2 here, and read a review of Reimagine Work #1 here. Comments and questions welcome.


The Foundry
17 Oval Way
London SE11 5RR

Date & Time

Friday 5th October 2018
9.00 am to 5.00 pm




Everyone at this event is an equal-status participant, and every voice counts. The * indicates the participant has made a session offer.

The full program with workshop descriptions can be viewed here.

places reserved,
places remaining.

More participant names will appear here as people register. Stay tuned.

Note: This is a living document; expect the copy to change over the coming months. Last updated: 01/10/2018